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Oliva beach is the perfect setting for a sport on the rise as wingfoil.

Although the first prototypes of wings appeared three decades ago, it has been in recent years that wingfoil has experienced a growth that has surpassed all expectations, thanks partly to the improvements carried out on one of the key elements in this emerging sport: the foil or the board used to ride waves.

Moreover, the wings have also undergone some changes in terms of the materials used to make them which means that now this sport can be practiced in winds that barely exceed ten knots.

Its accessibility is another key to the current success of this discipline, as with just a few classes it is possible to acquire the basic knowledge to enjoy this activity. The fact of not being tied by any accessory to the board or sail, allows a freedom of movement that can only be found in very few other disciplines. On the other hand, the equipment needed is easy to transport and purchasing this equipment doesn’t involve a large outlay.

Throughout Spain, Oliva beach has established itself as the perfect setting to witness the growth of wingfoil. For the third consecutive year, this venue has hosted the final of the Spain Wingfoil League circuit, held last June with the support of Oliva Nova Beach & Golf Resort, the Oliva Yacht Club and the Tourism office of this town in the region of La Safor.
Oliva beach, with its desirable weather conditions, has also been, since 2017, the venue for the final rounds of another wind sport, the Spain Kiteboarding League.

Oliva has witnessed the best wingfoil and kiteboarding events, with the presence of champions such as Liam Whaley, Álex Pastor, Carlos Mario and Keahi de Aboitiz

The competition has been supported and sponsored by Oliva Nova and Oliva Town Council for several years.

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