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Dear members and abonados of Oliva Nova Golf Course,

We are all suffering the consequences of this unexpected situation.

We are currently keeping our golf course with the minimum essential services that in these circumstances the Spanish government allows us in this state of alarm caused by COVID-19.

For us, this situation is even stranger because we are carrying out the maintenance tasks, but with the sports facilities closed. The daily absence of players on the golf course causes us sadness not only because this situation is causing a huge economic crisis, but also because our daily goal in maintenance work is always oriented so that you “the players” can enjoy of the game.

We hope that the normality to which we were accustomed before this great crisis will be restored as soon as possible, with the hope that it will be as soon as possible and do not doubt at any time that our interest, effort and dedication are focused on having the prepared and ready the golf course in the best possible conditions, for that first day in which all of you can return.

See you soon,

Your’s sincerely and best regards,

Jaime Guaita Navarro.

Head Greenkeeeper.

Oliva Nova Beach & Golf Resort.

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