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"Since I was 12 years old, I always wanted to work with my father. I am delighted to be able to lead Grupo CHG"
“Since I was 12 years old, I always wanted to work with my father. I am delighted to be able to lead Grupo CHG”

With the same entrepreneurial mindset as his father, Carlos, the eldest of the brothers, leads part of Grupo CHG and pursues the same business slogan developed by the founder: to make customers fulfil their dreams in a place as welcoming as Spain and in an area as privileged as the Costa Blanca

“Since I was 12 years old, I always wanted to work with my father and run a group of companies. I consider CHG to be part of my family, and it is a great satisfaction for me to be able to work here”, he states.

Carlos Borho also leads the Oliva Nova Equestrian Center, the first major project he and his siblings decided on when they took the reins of the compound. In October 2011, works began on the CEON, and in February

2012, the first horses jumped over the obstacles, making one of the projects his father had in mind years before a reality. “The idea of the equestrian center was discussed with my father and mother years before, but never came to fruition. After his death we looked for investors and did everything in our power to move the project forward. Since then, no dividends have been distributed, but have been reinvested in the company. Thanks to this, we have one of the most important and recognized equestrian centers in the world”, says the head of the centre.

His vision for the next 50 years is to continue with the leitmotiv. ‘Service, quality and innovation’; to continue to develop both personally and professionally and to focus on all the services we offer to achieve successes such as the equestrian center, which has become one of the most important in the world.




Carolina Borho
“My father understood that the customer had to enjoy life and we had to make things easy for him

She had an anecdotal and traumatic start with the discipline. “One day, my father accidentally hit me in the head with a club, but two or three years later, I came back to play thanks to a teacher who taught me to love this sport”, Carolina says with amusement. Now she lives by and for golf and considers it “another son for me”. Carolina began training in management, reservations and customer service in 2008. For the last five years, she has been leading the Golf Club, a major milestone in the history of Oliva Nova.

Among her duties, Carolina emphasizes customer service and contact with members and subscribers, responsibilities that she enjoys, and that show part of the values her father instilled in her and her siblings from an early age.

“My father understood that the customer had to enjoy life and we had to make things easy for him. For this reason, among the services we offer are consultancy, insurance… an assistance that the company provides for their convenience without the customer having to leave home”.

Her vision for the next 50 years is to continue working as a team, as a family and together. We need to move to grow and keep learning to have a clear idea of the direction.



Cristina Borho
“The values set by our parents are based on care and professionalism, which always results in customer satisfaction”.

Since finishing her studies in Madrid, Cristina has headed the Original Furnitures decoration store, the company in charge of furnishing the hotel, as well as the rest of Grupo CHG units. Following her father’s idea of providing after-sales services, twenty years ago, in 2003, the interior designer decided to open a store at the entrance of the resort with high-end furniture, exquisite design and her good taste as a decorator.

The interior designer continues to keep her father’s stories and values very much in mind, an example that serves her to continue improving every day in her work. Even today she is still inspired by that magnificent wooden door, which for her is synonymous with the enthusiasm with which her father built up the company from scratch, located at that time on Campos Street. Or in the 5,000 block of the hotel on the day it opened, and where she and her sister Carolina fondly keep a family photo.

The vision that defined the work of CHG’s founder has also permeated the employees. “We have very good professionals because, at the time, Mum and Dad set clear values, based on affection and professionalism, which always results in customer satisfaction”.

Cristina Borho’s goal for the future is to never stop striving for excellence in the day-to-day business, to keep growing and to always aim for customer satisfaction.

LUIS Borho


Luis Borho
“Beyond investing in a second home, the client finds in Grupo CHG the services he needs. The slogan ‘Live the sunny side of life’ encompasses all of that”.

His first memory of the business takes him back to his childhood, when he was just a child playing in the hotel pool. Luis Borho, General Manager of the Resort, recalls how his father decided to venture out and sell investment and leisure products to Germans in Spain.

“He knew that we were in one of the countries that, because of its stability, could be a good destination to invest in a second home. Distance was also an important factor, the car ride was comfortable, not to mention the weather. It was a product that could sell well, and that’s what dad knew how to do, sell very well”, he says.

The companies that make up Grupo CHG started out building and selling houses to Germans and ended up offering a variety of services that encompass other types of needs. “Customers find in the group of companies what they need to live, from gastronomy, to sports, services, etc. Our slogan ‘Live the sunny side of life’ encompasses all of that”.

Luis Borho’s vision for the future of the resort is to continue with the same practices and values that have drived them until now, to try to maintain the good traditions and pursue his father’s objective: that the business continues to grow, that there is an evolution and to invest in quality, service and innovation.



“Those who stay at the resort are not just customers, we also share our day-to-day life with them in a special way. For me, Grupo CHG is one big family”.

He joined the company as a consultant right after finishing his studies at the university and a year later, in 2016, he discovered that his true calling was the upstream process, CRM and marketing. Today, his main mission is to set the direction of the company with the help of the general management.

“Being a group that has so many companies, it is necessary to plan the strategy that encompasses the communication and marketing part. It all needs to be analysed very carefully and then decide on the strategy that is the most correct and continuous over time”, he explains.

Pablo, the youngest of the brothers, lost his father when he was only 17 years old, but his helpful, kind and family spirit left its mark on him forever.

“I fondly remember how my dad would drive me to school and we would always stop once or twice because we would see someone with the golf bag. These are things that reflect that those who stay at the resort are not just customers, but that we live with them and share our daily lives in a special way; they are part of our family. For me, Grupo CHG is one big family”.

Continuing the family business with his siblings and children is his life’s goal. To continue with the same vision: to grow, to always prioritize the well-being and needs of the customers, and to never forget where they come from.

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